Peer Empower is a mental health advocacy blog in Mendocino County, CA.
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Home page:
Mapping the next 10 years of Brain Research
NAMI Sonoma County meeting on Mindfulness and Mental Health Support
NO-COST Training to develop Mendocino County's Crisis Intervention Team
Statewide Suicide Prevention Program
December 15th Mental Health Board Meeting to Address deficits
HHSA moving aggressively beginning December 1st to restructure MHSA plan
Mental Health Deficit Powerpoint by Stacey Cryer HHSA director
Glenn Close speaks out against Stigma
22 layoffs planned in county Mental Health-UDJ
Donate a Warm Coat to Help Ford Street/Buddy Eller Clients
"You're only given one spark of madness. You mustn't lose it! "Robin Williams