
Ongoing NAMI Support Group in Ukiah

We will be meeting for our NAMI support group this Tuesday November 16th, , from 6:30 to 7:45pm.

If possible give me a call to let me know you are coming. Hope to build an
interesting and positive ongoing support group.
Diane Z.  707-467-9798

The meeting will be held at :

Sonoma County Introducing a Communication Tool for Mental Health Crisis Call to First Responders

Let's take a look at this communication tool and see how it might apply for our needs in Mendocino County!

Read the story from the Press Democrat in today's paper!


Free WRAP training


"Enhancing WRAP"
Presented by Dr. Mary Ellen Copeland

Wednesday, October 13
2-3pm Eastern Time
To register:

Online Application for

There is now an online site where you can apply for CALWORKS, Medi-Cal, Food Stamps and other assistance.  Let me know what your experience is if you have tried this site. Here is the main site and the Mendocino county link.

California Memorial Project

Remembrance Day took place on 9-20-10 at Ukiah's Russian River Cemetary on Low Gap on a lovely day full of heart felt sharings with a reception afterwards at Manzanita Services 270 N. Pine St., Ukiah.  People traveled from many places in northern California to join us.  Thank you!

Join us next year on the third Monday of September and in the meantime here is some information on the project.

Patient's Rights Advocate to Present at Client Council Meeting 9/16/10

Check out the Calendar for a flyer and more information about the September 16th Client Council Meeting held in Ukiah.

Mental Health Symposium in Santa Rosa Celebrates Diversity

Alice Moore, executive director of Consolidated Tribal Health and her husband tribal Chief Lessert Moore were among the presenters at the Mental Health Symposium at the Wells Fargo Center of the Arts in Santa Rosa today which was focused on*"Confronting Cultural Disparities and Identifying Barriers to Positive Outcomes in Mental Health." (*quote taken from the brochure).

New book by Robert Whitaker author of Mad in America

This morning I received a call from a family member who is reading Robert Whitaker's next book "Anatomy of an Epidemic" which she took out from the library.

Her report to me is it is a book worth reading though at times emotionally challenging.  No surprise, as" Mad in America", for me, is a devastating essential read that requires taking time between sections to "recover" before going on.

Glad to know it is in our library system.

Client Council to meet on 7/22/10 at a new time from 12:00pm-2:00pm

The Client Council meeting will now meet an hour earlier at noon to accomodate the new hours of operation for Manzanita on Thursdays.

I look forward to seeing you all there. 

Check out the flyer on the Current Events Calendar-Mendocino Calendar page.


Putting a Face on Mental Illness

Check out the flyer for the training on June 23rd for first responders.

A first step collaboration between NAMI Mendocino, the Sheriff's department, Law Enforcement and Mental Health.

May this first step be succesfull in forging education, compassion and mutual understanding.

Sorry I will miss this as I leave tomorrow.

This could be the beginning of an ongoing training commitment over the next 2 years or so.

Let's hope......